Blakely Hall, 2550 NE Park Drive, Issaquah, WA 98029
Contact and Class Registration
Ted Libby, Instructor
E Mail:
A new series of weekday evening classes is offered to adults (Age: 18+) three times a year: Fall, Winter and Spring. Classes meet on Monday evenings (Beginning I, 6:00-7:00 pm and Beginning II, 7:00-7:50 pm) and Tuesday evenings (Continuing, 6:15-7:45 pm). Classes usually run for 10 weeks. Class fees are payable in full the first night of class and are subject to change. Cash or check only. Students are required to sign a registration form and a liability waiver. Photos, videos and/or sound recording of class activities are not permitted. Refunds: There are no refunds given for classes a student misses for any reason.
Class Location: Classes meet in the Issaquah Highlands at Blakely Hall, 2550 NE Park Drive, Issaquah, Washington 98029 .
Summer Classes: There are no Summer classes. Private and Semi-Private lessons are available during the Summer.
2025 Winter Classes: Winter classes start January 6th & 7th. Registration is now open for Winter classes. Registration closes after January 13th. See the “Classes Offered” page for further details.
Mask Wearing: For some peace of mind, mask wearing may be required for everyone while they are inside the building.
Private Lessons: Private and Semi-Private lessons are still available throughout the year, including the summer. Contact the Instructor.
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