About the Classes:  The classes offered by Tiger Mountain Tai Chi Chuan are based upon Professor Cheng Man Ching's, 37 posture short form (Yang style) as modified in execution by Master Henry Wang. The weekly, step-by-step lessons build a sequence of continuous movements and postures which make up "the form".

In accord with Master Henry Wang's "Seven Principles", the instruction in each class puts particular emphasis on form practice, form correction,  and non-competitive "Search Center" partner exercises. See also the “Seven Principles of Practice” page on this website.

The class size is intentionally kept small (12-15). The instruction is offered in a congenial, cooperative atmosphere with an emphasis on the needs of each student. Questions are encouraged. There are no competitive skill tests, ranks or awards.

The classes are designed to present an enjoyable, principle-based Tai Chi experience that fosters relaxation and promotes both physical health and mental well-being.

Tiger Mountain Tai Chi Chuan is based in Issaquah, Washington, about 17 miles east of Seattle on I-90.

About Master Wang: Master Henry Wang (Wang, Hui-Juin) has studied, practiced and taught Tai Chi for over forty-five years. He has devoted most of his adult life to improving and conveying his understanding of Tai Chi’s underlying Taoist philosophy, its health-giving benefits, and its complex depths as an applied martial art. He is a former competitive gymnast, armed forces hand-to-hand combat instructor, personal fitness trainer, and Push Hands champion in his native country Taiwan. After winning five, national Push Hands tournaments he willingly gave up competitive Tai Chi completely and embarked on a deeper investigation of the art - a journey of body, mind, and spirit. Inspired by several teachers, and particularly by his relationship with the renowned Master Huang, Sheng Shyan (Huang, Xing Xian), Master Wang undertook a mission to relinquish the use of physical force (Li) in order to understand how to use the mind/intent (Yi) to develop and cultivate Tai Chi’s internal “life force” energy (nei jin).

You can read more about Master Wang’s life and teachings in the book Searching for Center - A Tai Chi Master’s Journey”. Now available in paperback and eBook. Click this Amazon link: Amazon.com or order at your local bookstore.

Master Wang and his family immigrated from Taiwan to British Columbia, Canada in 1987. He lives in Comox, a town located on the Georgia Strait, about midway on the eastern coast of Vancouver Island.



Ted Libby, Instructor.

Ted has been practicing Tai Chi Chuan for 25 years and has been teaching classes in Issaquah, Washington for the past 12 years. Ted has studied with Master Henry Wang since 1997.


Master Henry Wang, Tai Chi Master (1997 - present)

Website:   www.searchcentertaichi.com

Cheng Man Ching Lineage:  In addition, since 1993 to the present day, Ted has continuously studied with Cheng Man Ching Style teachers in Seattle and Detroit. These teachers studied directly with Professor Cheng Man Ching (Zheng Manqing) for several years during the 11 years he taught classes at his Shr Jung school in New York City. Ever since the Professor's death in 1975, Ted's teachers have themselves continued to study and teach the Professor's tai chi form, his sword form and Push Hands to students of all ages and walks of life.